============= Configuration ============= Minimal configuration --------------------- .. code-block:: python DJANGO_GITHUB_WEBHOOKS = { "SECRET": "secret-key" } SECRET ------ Required: True GitHub docs: https://developer.github.com/webhooks/creating/#secret Setting a webhook secret allows you to ensure that `POST` requests sent to the payload URL are from GitHub. When you set a `SECRET`, you'll receive the `X-Hub-Signature` header in the webhook `POST` request. You can also extend webhook view from `github_webhooks.views.GitHubWebhookView` to override `get_secret` method. More about that in :ref:`advanced_user_guide:Secret key customization`. ALLOWED_EVENTS -------------- Required: False Default: .. code-block:: python DJANGO_GITHUB_WEBHOOKS = { ... "ALLOWED_EVENTS": [ "issues", ], ... } GitHub docs: https://developer.github.com/webhooks/event-payloads/ ALLOWED_EVENTS is a list of all allowed events, that you want to handle.